Sunday, March 6, 2011

30 Day Round Up

I've come to discover something about myself through this challenge: if a task doesn't involve school or lab work, it will probably not get done.

This combined with my lack of a camera/having a completely different schedule than all of my roommates creates a poor environment for this challenge to thrive in.

The challenge itself is awesome and really forces you to be creative! I'd recommend it, but don't get too hard on yourself if you can't document it all! I think more than anything, this challenge has really helped me appreciate my closet. By the end I was craving all of my other clothes.

On a lofty also showed me that it's possible to live more simply. It's hard to see the value of things in a society that loves to consume. I am guilty of being a bit materialistic and it's something I'd like to change.

I'm growing up and learning to strike that fine balance between being economical, but stylish. Here's to responsibly putting your best foot forward!

Friday, March 4, 2011


So thirty days. And if you didn't notice, there are definitely NOT 90 outfit posts from us gals. It's funny. I kept meaning to write about what I wore, or what I thought about it. I even meant to put up my 30 items. But alas, I would put it off until it just wasn't worth it. That and I would have to use elaborate set-ups to try and even get a blurry half-assed photo (which for the record, I kind of like.)


Like this one.

So what do I think about the exercise? It's an interesting one. But towards the end, it drags on and on. Not to mention, in order to make 30 "complete" outfits - you don't pick the things you wear most, you pick what will go with other things. I started missing pieces that I absolutely love but couldn't wear. I do understand the whole "commit to something damnit!" (And yes, we girls for the most part kept it very strictly on the 30/30. Minus some sweats and some formal events/birthdays heh.) And as mentioned, it's also tedious to do.

But the bright side is that it made me really pay attention to what I wore in the morning. And while Krod would flounce into class wearing the most adorable things all day-every day. I would not. I would definitely wear the same flannel shirt, the same boots, etc. It was just easier. But having the blog made me really pay attention to what I wore. Why didn't I dress up more often? What's wrong with some more color? (The comparisons to outfits that the other girls wore also helped to see where my closet could definitely use a pretty sailor top, etc.) The no-shopping rule was also broken by at least two, if not more parties. I refrain from naming who to protect the innocent.

The focus though was great - it makes you look at your closet and realize that at some point you loved each article you bought or were given. And that if you didn't, they should go. It's just a space filler at that point. It also made me realize what I liked about fashion - the ability to project how you feel today, and the artistic license to do so everyday. I hate to quote the devil wears prada - but it is more important, because my crappy art is something I put on, and is then in some ways an extension of what I feel and say.

(I get existential. I'm an English major - sorry.)

So overall, I liked the project. I would definitely recommend doing it again, but maybe at a later date. And with a few months of shopping in between.

Krod/Kdef - what did you guys think?