Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meet Kristina

1. The basics.
My name is Kristina. I'm a senior in college studying Communication Science and Disorders. I spend most of my life at my desk or in a lab. One day I'll have my PhD and your children will be sitting in my lecture hall. Scary, I know.

2. How would you describe your style?
HAHAHA. 1/3 Anthro. 1/3 J. Crew. 1/3 Hot Topic. Yes, I am still very, very confused.

3. Why are you doing this?
Because the end is near. The end of my life as a spoiled brat. In a few months EVERYTHING is coming from MY bank account...

I'm hoping to prove to myself that I can live more simply and creatively.

Also...Katherine and Shoe are doing this. It's the same "female psychology" principle behind the idea of "work out buddies". The more friends who are in on it, the more likely you are to actively participate.

5. Style Icons.
Emma Watson, Rachel Bilson, and Zooey Deschanel. At one point I worshipped Avril Lavigne. I apologize to myself everyday. No. Screw that...who am I kidding. Yeah, I wore fingerless striped arm warmers! AND I LIKED IT.

6. Favorite thing ever. In the world.

I'm serious.

7. What are you doing RIGHT NOW?
Studying the facial and oral development of embryos. The mandibular processes MERGE, they don't FUSE!!

1 comment:

  1. J. Crew, Anthro, and Hot Topic--- aha! Now I know the secrets to your fabulous fashion sense. Now I just... have to figure out how to merge all these into one outfit, HMM...
